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Showing posts from July, 2020

5 Unique and Useful Python modules.

Motive           There are different types of modules in python which not everyone knows so we thought of introducing them to you guys. Let's start! Note: This is not a tutorial of how to use these but is to show that these modules also exist and if you want to know more you can visit there own page and if you want us to explain leave a comment below. Links to there page are also given below. Hope you found something useful. 1.Wikipedia          Yes, there is a module called Wikipedia in python, you can easily install Wikipedia by pip install wikipedia . We cannot rely on this module for advanced use. It was designed for ease of use and simplicity.  Learn More Here .  Here is a simple example: import wikipedia wikiPython = wikipedia.summary("Python", sentences=2) print(wikiPython)           One big disadvantage is that it works only if the internet is connected to your device. You can even control the number of sentences that you

Python Text to Speech | Python pyttsx3 Library

Motive          Like always just showing you about a new library and how to use it properly. Hope that this would be helpful for you guys!   The Project         We will be using the pyttsx3 library for text to speech, so before we move on with the project we need to install the library. As always we need to open our terminal and type pip install pyttsx3 and wait for it to complete the installation in case you get any error related to win32 just install pywin32 by pip install pywin32. pip install pyttsx3 Now import pyttsx3 and initialize it with sapi5. sapi5 is a Speech API developed by Microsoft.  import pyttsx3 engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')           We have two voices preinstalled they are David and Zira so if we need to access those voices we first have to define them and set it as the engine property. You can even try printing the voices that you have.      voices = engine.getProperty('voice

Get COVID19 status with Python | Get Current Covid Cases | Python Library covid

Motive           I just want to show you guys about the new library for  getting the number of people with COVID and those who have recovered from the whole world or from a specific country. I wish this could be useful for you guys. The Project             As I said t his Library can be used for getting the number of people with COVID and those who have recovered from the whole world or from a specific country. So let's begin! As always installing the library is the first thing we should do. So open up ur terminal and type pip install covid  and hit enter and let it download. According to there documentation, it says that the library works on python 3.6 or above. pip install covid           Let's find the things that we can do with the library before that open your preferred IDE and import the library with from covid import Covid and covid = Covid()  from covid import Covid covid = Covid()     

5 Unique and Useful Python modules.

Motive           There are different types of modules in python which not everyone knows so we thought of introducing them to you guys. Let's start! Note: This is not a tutorial of how to use these but is to show that these modules also exist and if you want to know more you can visit there own page and if you want us to explain leave a comment below. Links to there page are also given below. Hope you found something useful. 1.Wikipedia          Yes, there is a module called Wikipedia in python, you can easily install Wikipedia by pip install wikipedia . We cannot rely on this module for advanced use. It was designed for ease of use and simplicity.  Learn More Here .  Here is a simple example: import wikipedia wikiPython = wikipedia.summary("Python", sentences=2) print(wikiPython)           One big disadvantage is that it works only if the internet is connected to your device. You can even control the number of sentences that you